How Paint Can Increase Energy-Efficiency

28th February 2019

Over the past couple of years, more and more businesses have made efforts to become eco-friendlier for the sake of the planet as well as their wallets. Energy prices increase each year, which is why it can be a struggle during high or low temperature seasons. Monitoring your energy consumption and making attempts to reduce it will not only benefit you but your staff too.

Last Summer, the UK reached an astonishing temperature of 35.3°c in Faversham, Kent. With another heatwave predicted this year, judging by February’s record-breaking temperatures, energy efficiency is becoming more important than ever. For example, running an air conditioning system for an average working day (8 hours) can cost around £4 a day. This seems small however, multiply it by the month and you’re paying well over £100 just to keep your staff and property cool.

There are a number of ways you can increase your energy efficiency and keep your team happy. The colour of your property being one of them…

The Sun’s radiation can have a major impact on energy expenses. Light-hued paints can make the world of difference for your property. Popular for their ability to deflect the Sun’s rays, lighter pigments can prevent your building from absorbing too much heat from the Sun. It sounds too good to be true, right?

There are a number of benefits that come with heat-reflective paints. Durability being another to consider after energy efficiency. Because the paint reflects Sunrays, there is less chance of UV fading, which occurs when a surface absorbs heat and light from the Sun. This is fantastic as it means your paintwork’s life expectancy will increase and have a longer lasting effect.

With a variety of colours available, heat-reflective paints are well worth looking into. If you’d like more advice on this or if you’ve got a project for us, contact us today on 01924 723723.


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